현재 위치

조건별 검색


  • Indoor / Outdoor Aberration
    상품명 : Indoor / Outdoor Aberration
    • 상품간략설명 : Never again will I take a hug for granted. Here’s hoping you’re holding your loved ones and beloved activities tight in this wild and weird time. For me, that’s my tiny circle of VIPs, puzzles, poetry and occasionally a wrinkle in time where I stare at a wall. Poems in particular are expressive nuggets of emotion, of which we’re currently feeling many of them simultaneously. Here, a series of three poems I wrote at the beginning, beginning of the end and then the end of the end of a different turbulent time of my life. Perhaps you’ll relate. It’s hard to write poems in the middle.
  • Series I. Lookbook 1.
    상품명 : Series I. Lookbook 1.
    • 상품간략설명 : Dancer: Kyra Peterson
      Film: Capture
      Photos: Matt Blum Photography
      Music: Ocean by Tiny Deaths
  • 저널테스트
    상품명 : 저널테스트
    • 상품간략설명 : Using the human figure to explore these psychological themes like anxiety, impulse, and relations between self and other Schultz walks the line between caution and impulse, resulting in poetic repetitive mark making and intuitive forms. In these select pieces, a series of related gestures unfold across subdued monochromatic paper. Drawn intuitively and in sequence, these forms can be read as the physical manifestations of human being's shifting emotional landscape and its effect on self and others. The result is a meditative blend of spare elegance and dynamic movement.
  • Series I. Lookbook 2.
    상품명 : Series I. Lookbook 2.
    • 상품간략설명 : Models: Histria Soler, Morgan Ketzner, Andi Nehring
      Photography: Caylon Hackwith
      Cinemetography: Calvin Brue
      Art Direction: Rachel Schultz
      Music: Hannah Sorrells
      Backdrop: Oliphant Studios
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